Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a Christian-based, twelve-step program designed to help individuals struggling with various hurts, habits, and hang-ups, including addiction, trauma, codependency, and other life issues.

It was founded in 1991 by Pastor John Baker and Rick Warren, the author of the best-selling book "The Purpose Driven Life," at Saddleback Church in California.

What is Celebrate Recovery?

Our Celebrate Recovery ministry is available every Friday at 6 pm. Participants work through the steps with the help of a sponsor or mentor, focusing on surrendering their struggles to God, seeking forgiveness, making amends, and experiencing healing and transformation.

Celebrate Recovery has spread to thousands of churches and organizations worldwide, offering hope and support to individuals seeking recovery and spiritual renewal.

Girls at the Coffee Shop
Eloisa Teaching Small Group

Wondering what a Friday night experience at Celebrate Recovery is like?


6 pm - 7 pm

Large Group

7 pm - 8 pm


Open Share Small Groups

7:30 pm - 9 pm

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